
Thursday, August 06, 2009


She takes a long drag of her cigarette and wonders, when you've lost all your will what's the one thing that allows you to live the next day? What pushes her to breathe her next breath? Obligation? The need to? She goes around living her life with no direction and no aim. With black smoke coating her darkened lungs. With a drink in hand. No destination in place. What was she to do? It was not like she bothered or cared about where she was going. She just went. What would you call a person like her?

I've been working to a point where my shoulders ache. But my shoulders ache all the time. I don't really know how to get rid of stiff shoulders. Maybe that's why i scream at people when the start massaging my shoulders. I want to go to Bangkok real soon. I have too many things that I need to buy. I should also probably stop watching Korean shows. They blow my mind out. I can sit infront of the laptop for hours just watching Family Outing. And there are still tv specials of bands and whatnot. It's times like these that I wish I could understand Korean. But life doesn't work that way. Anyone wants to go for Korean lessons with me?

I had a list of things I want to buy. But I guess I really need to change my list due to the fact that there are other more important things that I need and my wants are not as important. There's always Bangkok if Jane finally books the tickets. I might just change my mind and go with D instead.

Anyway, I can't wait for Sunday since it's another family day for the Lee/Goh family. With Mahjong and steamboat. Everything seems to be in order. Except for the fact that I'm going for mass on Sunday morning. Shocker, I know. I shock myself too sometimes. Now the problem is how to go there and get out without anyone knowing.


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